Messages of Gold

Dear Priests, Nuns, Religious Brothers, Deacons, Laity:

We are in the times of the foretold Great Apostasy. God the Father has asked the Mother of Jesus (who is also our Mother), Jesus Himself, and The Whole Trinity to warn the people of the earth that “Few will see God”!

In the Gospel, Jesus presses us to read the Signs of the Times.

In recent times, there have been many, many signs of the terrible times we are living in—including signs in the sky, on the earth, under our feet, in the waters of the earth, and by numerous other ways.

A few days ago, a friend in Canada called me on the phone and brought to my attention something that I had not been aware of. He brought to my attention the very many cases of Rivers turning the color of Blood Red all over the world during the past several years, and as late as January 2019.

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Messages of Gold

Dear Readers of Messages of Gold,

Due to many civil duties, like doing accounting for the several tax forms to be sent to the IRS, and other types of duties, it has been a while since sharing with you what I can for the purpose of you and I gaining more insights in to the Great Mystery of the Divine Will operating in the increasing number of most fortunate souls. Here is my latest bit of sharing.
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Messages of Gold

Dear Readers of Messages of Gold,

For quite a long time I have been considering writing a “Message of Gold” about the travesty of the theories of evolution on the souls of mankind. In the Volumes of Luisa’s writings, communicated to her by Our Lord, in the Book of Heaven, there is not so much as a syllable of one word supporting the false notion of mankind being the result of evolution, nor of the universe coming into existence by some kind of evolutionary process.

The truth about God and mankind is most beautifully replete throughout the Volumes of the Book of Heaven. Fortunately, the coming generations that follow this soon to end era, will not have such diabolical influences to deal with in their precious lives. The coming generations will be the happiest of all generations, consumed with love of God and neighbor and only two laws will be for them to live out their lives. Those two laws are TRUTH and LOVE !

I am attaching a ten (10) page document based on what Jesus made known to Luisa Piccarreta about these things.
You will notice that there are a few dark black lines throughout the text that run completely across the page. I don’t know what caused them, and I have not been able to eliminate them.

I have divided this special document into three sections, so, if you prefer, you can divide your time into reading one section at a time.
The title of this special document is:

“The Coming Demise of Cosmic and Organic Evolutionism”

(Don’t let those words in the title bother you! The text of the document is easy reading.)

Thomas Fahy
The Luisa Piccarreta Center for the Divine Will
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Messages of Gold – December 16, 2018

Dear Readers,

Merry Christmas 2018! Remember, everyday is Christmas in the Life of the Divine Will !!!

This issue of Messages of Gold is truly profound. Please keep it for reading again and again.
Newcomers to the Reign of the Divine Will in souls, please don’t feel disheartened by the astonishing depth of this issue of Messages of Gold. If you have trouble gleaning the depth contained in this issue, just relax. Save this issue and wait a while. The day will come to understand the contents much better.

I don’t understand it as much as I would like, but I intend to read it again and again.

Please note: Now, in my old age, I probably will send out several issues of the deeper knowledge of the Gift of the Divine Will as long as God allows. My hope is doing so will be for the good of everyone, both those have many years growing in the knowledge and Life of the Divine Will, and those with only a short time in the discovery of this greatest of all possible Gifts.

Be sure to check our website:, and be reminded that our non-profit Center for the Divine Will depends on tax exempt donations. Thank you very much.

Below is the “Messages of Gold” for December 16, 2018, which consists of various extracts from the “Book of Heaven.”

Whether God has a Variety of Experiences Resulting from his Creation

This is why it is hard for Me not to please a soul who lives in my Volition. Being in my Will, the soul dwells in the most intimate part of our Heart, of our desires, thoughts, and affections. Her heartbeat and her breath and Ours are one. That is why the joys, pleasures, Glory and Love that she gives Us are so varied and so great—infinite in their nature and activity, and in no way dissimilar to Ours, because they are Our own. Just as in our eternal Love, One of Us enraptures the Others, One forms the Joy of the Others, to the extent that, many times, unable to contain this Love and joy We produce works “ad extra”; in the same way, We remain enraptured and delighted by this soul who does Our Will. Knowing this, how could We make a soul unhappy who makes Us so happy? How can We not love her just as We love Ourselves—and not as We love other creatures—a soul who loves Us with Our very own Love? Continue reading “Messages of Gold – December 16, 2018”

Messages of Gold

Dear Readers,

It has been a while since sending the last Messages of Gold. I truly hope the messages below in Three Sections, from the celestial “Book of Heaven” and put on paper by Luisa Piccarreta, will compensate for the delay since the last “Messages of Gold.”

(1) Great Explanation of the Purpose of the Lord’s Prayer

Jesus: As I prayed, the Father gave in to My pleas, and I formed the seed of so great a blessing; and so that this seed might be known, I taught My prayer to the Apostles, and they handed it down to the whole Church, so that, just as the people of the future Redeemer found salvation in Him and disposed themselves to receive the promised Messiah, in the same way, with this seed that I had made, the Church could pray and repeat My Own prayer many times, and dispose Herself to receive the grace to recognize and love My Heavenly Father as their Father, so as to deserve to be loved as children and to receive the great blessing that My Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven. Continue reading “Messages of Gold”

Messages of Gold



Dear Readers of “Messages of Gold,”

Welcome to the new readers!

We have had callers asking if we will be putting on a Divine Will Conference this year.

No, not this year. We need a break this year to get caught up on many other things.

I will be giving a Two Day Retreat on the Divine Will this year in Moodus, Connecticut – November 17-18, at the request of Fr. McCarthy at “Our Father’s House”. Please call Judy at (860) 873-1906 for details about the retreat if you are considering attending.

We appreciate the donations sent recently to support our work for the Reign of the Divine Will.

Please read the following Pearl of the New and Divine Holines with Love and Care:

(Note: It is quite reasonable to assume that it is Jesus who instructs Luisa, but we await the final determination of the Church Magisterium, which is following the history of these writings with great interest.)

God’s Irresistible Need of Love to Create Human Beings

(selected Passages from the Book of Heaven)

My daughter, it is always Our love that drives Us with irresistible force toward the soul—with a pleading disposition—as if We needed her: ”You have loved Me, and loved you. You have given yourself to Me, and I gave Myself to you.”

Continue reading “Messages of Gold”

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